Michael Sobell House: 0208 106 9201 | Lansdowne House: 0208 759 0453

24/7 Advice & Support | 020 3824 1268

24/7 Advice & Support | 020 3824 1268

Parent and carers support groups

Supporting parents and carers of children who are neurodivergent: How to deal with pain and loss. 

We understand that supporting you as parents and carers of neurodiverse children and young people who have experienced change or loss, is very important. Often children and young people who are neurodivergent may experience isolation, bullying and discrimination. They will struggle with accessing adequate support and communicating their needs. In moments of change and loss these difficulties may intensify and it will have an impact on the whole family. It is essential to create systems of care around families and to listen to the voices of neurodiverse children.

The groups will help professionals to identify the barriers and challenges in providing psychological aid for children who are neurodivergent and their families, and adapt services to their needs. Research and practice show that timely psychological support provided for families can: improve mental health, help with relationships, assist in managing challenging behaviours, and build emotional resilience.

What the groups are about:

Groups will run one Thursday of each month, at Lansdowne House and online, for 1 hour 30 minutes with the following topics:

  • Thursday 28th March – “Loss, change and neurodiversity”
  •  Thursday 25th April – “Coping with challenging behaviours: what I can do as a parent”
  • Thursday 30th May – “Family traditions and beliefs in managing grief”
  • Thursday 27th June – “Communication: conversations within families and beyond”

How could these groups help?

  • Support and guidance around having difficult conversations with children you care for about change and loss.
  • Provide an understanding of children and young people’s reactions to change and loss, such as anger, anxiety and isolation.
  • Learn ways of coping with challenging behaviours.
  • Share your experiences with others.
  • Reflect on the role of culture, religion and family traditions in managing change and loss.
  • Develop new communication skills which may be helpful when talking with children and young people about understanding and managing their feelings.
  • Examine ways of adapting to changes in a safe and supportive environment.

What to expect:

There is a limited number of places in these groups so it is essential to book early. It is beneficial to attend all four groups and participants are expected to notify the team 48hrs prior to each group if they cannot attend. This provides an opportunity for others to attend.

Each group will have two important elements: educational presentation and informal group discussion facilitated by two group conductors.
All groups will be conducted by experienced psychotherapists in a safe and supportive manner.

How to join:

To join the parents and carers group, please email cabsreferrals@harlingtonhospice.org.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.

Call: 02087590453 (ask for Paula Boyle or Nana Zhvitiashvili at Harlington Hospice)


The group is free to attend.

The Harlington Hospice team adopts an inclusive and collaborative approach. Participant feedback would be highly appreciated

Feedback from parents and carers who have attended our psychoeducation groups