Michael Sobell House: 0208 106 9201 | Lansdowne House: 0208 759 0453

24/7 Advice & Support | 020 3824 1268

24/7 Advice & Support | 020 3824 1268

Someone close to
me has an illness


Someone close to me has an illness

Someone close to me has an illness

Someone close to me has an illness

We know that it can be stressful, scary and lonely when someone close to you becomes ill.

These feelings can arise both in a relationship we cherish, or where things have been rocky, and can change over the course of someone’s illness. You can be left feeling unprepared and sometimes inadequate, whether that be emotionally, physically or financially. It may feel like your own needs and wellbeing should take second place. But by taking the time to care for yourself, you can cope with the situation more easily.

This includes support for children and young people facing the illness of someone important to them. We know the impact that illness can have on children and young people’s studies, relationships and development into adulthood. And that each child or young person will express their grief and emotions differently. Our Child and Adolescent Bereavement Service (CABS) team are alongside them and their families to help them navigate these feelings, supporting each individual through what can be a painful and disorientating experience.


Psychological & Emotional Support

24/7 Advice & Support

Harlington Care

24/7 Advice & Support